Monday, December 16, 2013

Homemade Dulce De Leche

Dulce de leche is very popular in Argentina (yes, more popular than Maradona! Sticking my tongue out) as well as in many countries in America. It is sweet, not salty-sweet as caramel, but sweet-sweet, really sweet. Dulce de leche is so good that many people just eat spoons full of this milk jam. I rather use it for chocotorta (seriously, if you don´t know what chocotorta is, rank it first in your bucket list), Brownie cake and Havannet cake.
This recipe is a request from a friend and reader, Paulita, who´s living in Panamá and misses dulce de leche. But hey, wherever you are, you should really try it!!!! Have it with your favorite ice cream or use it as a cake filling, you won´t regret it!!!


A- Patience (ha! You really want to have this to get dulce de leche)
B- 1 can (or as many as you want) of sweetened condensed milk


FIRST STEP: Pour water into a casserole and heat. 

SECOND STEP: Remove the paper from the can and place the can on the boiling water (check picture below). Cover the casserole.

THIRD STEP: Wait, and here comes the patience part. Yes, the third step is to wait for three hours. You can leave it an extra hour if you want a darker dulce de leche, I like it light colored.

FOURTH STEP: Turn off the heat and remove the can from the water. Allow them to cool a little bit.

FIFTH STEP: Once the can is at room temperature (you don´t want to get burned) you can open the can  and enjoy. You may want to place it in the fridge for a while.

Easy,  right? There is a longer way to make dulce de leche, but you will need more patience ha, ha, ha.


Next, Brownie cake recipe using dulce de leche!

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